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2024 Holiday Card


Construction Begins Summer 2024


New Signage at Strodes Barn


June 8, 2023 East Bradford Trailblazer Event

Find Out About Strong Local Partnerships in Preserving Plum Run along with Strodes Barn

Scroll to page nine of East Bradford Townships's Winter 2021 newsletter to learn about the various local partners that  collaborated to fund restoration of Plum Run along with Strode's Barn


Happy Holidays 2020

Bringing cheer to the neighborhood amidst the Corona Virus pandemic

Board members Gerallyn Duke, Linda Kaat, and Andy Schaum (taking picture) decorated the barn in 2020 with greens and holiday color.


As a special Christmas gift, East Bradford won a grant from the Brandywine Conservancy to begin design on reconstruction of the barn. FOSM  contributed matching funds for this grant.





Fall  2020 Upate

Progress Continues Despite Covid


Covid disrupted our lives, personally and professionally.  We were fortunate that the work along Plum Run continued fully and uninterrupted.  The restoration is almost complete, sections of the trail are already built, and engineering firm has been hard at work designing the details for the main sections of the trail network that will bring everyone right to the Heritage Center planned for the Barn.  So very much work has been done here.  The Township, the Brandywine Conservancy and Brandywine Red Clay Creek Alliance have all been actively involved.  Stroud Water Research Center has also helped out.  Friends of Strodes Mill has always been focused on the restoration of the Barn.  That part was to become more of the focus.


East Bradford Township posted this new sign at the low water crossing at the river end of Lucky Hill Road

Fourth of July, 2020 update

Happy Fourth of July!  The red flag, beneath the US flag, is the flag carried by the 7th Pennsylvania regiment.  It was a militia flag, not a flag of Washington's Army.  It received its name after the Battle of the Brandywine.

May 2020 update

The April Board meeting was cancelled due to corona virus Stay at Home order.  The Board is considering holding its next meeting remotely via Zoom.

Looking for creative ways to serve scrapple?

Check out the Rapa Scrapple recipe page for some great ideas!

December 2019 update

The Plum Run Corridor Master Plan (2019) was developed through the work of a Task Force working together with consultants retained by East Bradford Township. The Township received funding assistance from Chester County’s Vision Partnership Program to complete the work. FOSM Board member, Andy Schaum, served on the Task Force. Our Board of Directors is truly enamored with the adopted plan. It creates a compelling vision for a trail network connecting West Chester University’s Gordon Nature Preserve, through the new Darlington Ridge development on the former Tigue Farm, to the Strode’s Mill Historic District. Future plans envision the trail continuing down to the Brandywine Creek.

The Plum Run Preserve will soon total 50 acres of land traversing portions of the Plum Run creek valley located in the southern section of the Township. A paved, multi-use trail is planned to connect the West Chester University campus’ Robert B. Gordon Natural Area to the historic Strode’s Barn which will become the site of an outdoor heritage center that includes educational interpretation on the history of the Strode’s Mill Historic District and its relation to early American industry and the Battle of the Brandywine. Limited public parking will be available at parking lots planned for Tigue Road and Lenape Road. The Master Plan details the planned passive recreation uses of the property along with the Township’s vision for stewarding the natural and historic resources of the Preserve.


The Plum Run Preserve enhancement will occur in stages and is currently underway. Toll Brothers, Inc. is in the process of installing portions of the paved trail and a parking lot on Tigue Road. This work is taking place simultaneously with the development of the Darlington Ridge community. Also underway is a significant stream restoration project, being led by the Brandywine Red Clay Alliance, that will result in the revitalization of 4,000 feet of the Plum Run creek and floodplain. East Bradford Township, with the assistance of grant funding provided through the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission and the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development, will begin engineering and design of additional portions of the paved trail and the outdoor heritage center in 2020, with construction not expected to begin before 2022.


We encourage you to learn more by reviewing minutes of the Trails Committee which is posted in the Township’s web site.




Looking forward, we will now focus our energies on planning for the restoration of the Barn.  We will continue to work with the Township in designing for its adaptive reuse. The Barn and surrounding site will serve as a Heritage Center, where visitors will be able learn about the Battle of the Brandywine, the evolution of the Strode’s Mill Historic District, and the area’s rich agricultural

heritage. We truly have a wonderful story to tell, thanks to your past and future support.  Our approach is rather simple—every dollar we raise will go directly to funding the restoration of the Barn. As always, we would be especially grateful for your continued support.

October 2018 update


This was a productive year for the Friends of Strode’s Mill as we operate in a partnership with East Bradford Township to preserve Strode’s Barn and surrounding open space for the benefit of the community.

We saw the Strode’s Barn site stabilized, and engineering and land use experts consulted on the necessary repairs to preserve the building and utilize the site.


East Bradford Township hired a consultant to create a professional vision for the property. Our interim president worked tirelessly with the township and the Parks, open spaces and trails department to help establish the vision for future use of this property.


Friends of Strode’s Mill has successfully led two fundraisers which will helped put us in a position to help fund reconstruction after plans are finalized next year.

More Resources

Do you love scrapple?

Want more scrapple?  Check out the Food and Dining Section of the September 2, 2021 Philadelphia Inquirer to find the best versions in the Philly area

Read all about scrapple in the marvelous book by Amy Strauss, “Pennsylvania Scrapple."

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